- ZF .
Zul'Farrak, a high 40s instance in NW Tanaris.
- XR .
The Crossroads is a major flight hub for the Horde in Central Kalimdor in the Barrens, and also serves as a major quest hub for level 15-20 Horde players.
- WF .
- TP .
Talent points.
- SM .
Scarlet Monestary, a mid-level dungeon found in Tirisfal Glades.
Blackrock Depths/Spire, high-level instanced dungeons in The Burning Steppes.
- Bind Point .
Area where you will return to if you use your hearthstone. You will need to speak to an innkeeper to bind in a different location.
- BFD .
Black Fathom Deeps; an mid-level instanced dungeon in North-Western Ashenvale Forest.
- Auc .
Short for auctioning.
- WC .
Wailing Caverns instance.
- UC .
- SW .
- STV .
Stranglethorn Vale.
- SS .
- Shard .
Soul Shard. An item gained by the Warlock through Soul Draining, used to cast several spells such as Ritual of Summoning and to conjure Soulstones.
- RR .
Redridge Mountains.
- NBG .
Need Before Greed, only people that need an item will roll dice (in case there are more than one player in the team that needs the item).
- IF .
- GS .
- CTF .
Warsong Gulch Battleground.
- BRD .
Blackrock Deeps.
- AV .
Alterac Valley Battleground.
- AH .
Auction House.
- rg .
- TB .
Thunder Bluff
- 1 term .
IF = Ironforge
- DN .
- BB .
Booty Bay
- GG .
Grom'gol Base Camp
- HF .
- LHC .
Light Hope Chapel
- RH .
Razor Hill
- RP .
Refuge Pointe
- TM .
Tarren Mill
- AZ .
- BL .
Blasted Lands (not Badlands)
- EPL .
Eastern Plaguelands
- SF .
Shimmering Flats
- SoS .
Swamp of Sorrows
- TN .
Thousand Needles
- WPL .
Western Plaguelands
- BRS .
Blackrock Spire
- DM .
Dire Maul
- RFC .
Ragefire Chasm
- RFD .
Razorfen Downs
- RFK .
Razorfen Kraul
- SFK .
Shadowfang Keep
- ST .
The Sunken Temple
- VC .
Van Cleef (Deadmines)
- BS .
- LF .
- SC .
- WH .
- Battleground .
An instanced battlefield where players from different factions can fight with each other fairly.
- DR .
Diminishing Returns. Used to describe something that reduces slowly over time on consecutive repetitions of the same action.
- Hearthstone .
An item that can be used once per hour to teleport you to your Home point.
- Home .
The location tied to your Hearthstone, changable only by talking to an innkeeper.
- Queue .
A system where if a realm is overloaded, subsequent players trying to log on will be queued up in a first come first serve basis and allowed to log on only when existing players log out.
- Realm .
A server(s) that hosts a copy of the game. Each and every realm is distinct and seperate from all others and there are completely no interactions between them.
- Ritual .
A spell or event that requires multiple players to cast/activate.
- Rushing .
Being dragged through a part of the game by someone of much higher level than you with the specific purpose of exploiting xp reward loopholes.
- Snare .
Refers to spells and abilities that slow down or completely stop a target's movement.
- Small Pets .
NonCombat Pets. An animal following the player around that does not doing anything else.
- UI .
User interface. Refers to the controls, buttons and onscreen elements by which the player interacts with the game world.
- BoE .
- BoU .
- BoP .

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